Saturday 16 January 2010

Where Is My Guardian Angel?

Where Is My Guardian Angel?

Where is my guardian angel?
Have you gone for a cup of tea?
Has that indulgence with a biscuit,
made you forget about me?

Was it something that I said?
Have I done something wrong?
Perhaps I've done so many things,
for you've been gone so very long.

I thought that you would be there,
I thought that was what your job involved.
To provide support and comfort,
until my problems were all solved.

I don't know what to think now,
I don't know where to turn,
I've looked around and listened,
and done my best to learn.

I don't expect you to do it for me,
but from time to time you could give me a clue.
You might point me in the right direction,
perhaps you didn't realise, I need you.

Where is my guardian angel?
Disappointed I'm not being all I should?
If only you would come back and help me,
I know together we could make me good.

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