Tuesday 19 January 2010



Her hair is a jungle, 
of gels, mouses and sprays, 
her face is put together, 
in the most outrageous ways. 

Her clothes all come from top shop, 
and she always looks her best, 
and when it comes to standing out, 
she sinks in with the rest. 

Her attributes are outstanding, 
she has the figure of an hour glass, 
but there's usually a defect, 
and a fiver says it's her arse. 

Her leather skirt and fishnet tights, 
promise you, you're in for a good night, 
but her back combed hair and come to bed eyes, 
just turn out to be guise. 

Her make-up covers her acne, 
so none of her spots show, 
she flashes a smile of smeared lipstick, 
and you're wondering if she'll go? 

You buy her half a lager, 
and offer her a fag, 
she carries a ton of make-up, 
in her matching hand bag. 

She takes her friend off to the loo, 
you're wondering what you're gonna do, 
her conversations hardly great, 
and you wish you'd got off with her mate. 

So there you are with this boring chick, 
no personality - you feel a right prick. 
But you offer to take home, 
just to be polite, 
and then she thinks your're thinking,
you're gonna stay the night. 

She offers you a coffee, 
and although you're bored to tears, 
you say you'll have a quick one, 
and that highlights her fears. 

You drink the coffee she's made you, 
though it tastes more like tar, 
and you think you may as well carry on, 
now you've come that far. 

Your lips embrace, 
your bodies entwine,
and your only hope is that you cum on time, 
she hears a noise, 
you sit up straight, 
she tells you, you'd beter go coz it getting late. 

Kiss her goodbye, 
wishing it was her friend you'd dated, 
get in your car, 
totally frustrated.



Popping pills and smoking pot, 
jacking up, he did the lot, 
his body numb, his mind lived on,
faster than the speed of light, 
a tab of acid, send him tripping, 
take him through the night.

Almost Mummy

Almost Mummy . I went to the chemist and bought a home test, then I went to the doctor's and he told me the rest. . I couldn't tell my mother, she wouldn't approve, looking back now, it was a stupid move. . My imediate thoughts were on my fella and what he might say, if I'd foreseen his reaction I wouldn't be here today. . Course he wouldn't stand by me, he didn't want to know, it was alright for him, he could just up and go. . So there I was left on my own, with his child inside to face the future alone. . With no option left, I went back to my G.P, he was very understanding, made an appointment for me. . Within no time at all I was in a hospital gown, that clean smelling building on the edge of town. . As they took me down, the nurse said, 'Don't worry', and smiled, and a short while later, I'd murdered my child.

Lad Dad

Lad Dad 
I'm too young. 
Become a dad? 
I'm still my dad's son. 

It's not that I'm selfish, 
it's not that I don't care, 
but to force parentage on me I think is unfair. 

It's not for me. 
Become a dad? I
'm too carefree. 

It's not my fault we're in this turmoil, 
she promised me faithfully, 
she was fitted with a coil. 

I couldn't cope. 
Become a dad? 
Oh it's a joke! 

Well I'll pay for the operation, 
though I don't see that I should, 
and I won't get married, 
our relationship wasn't that good.  

It's not what I bargained for. 
Become a dad? 
I just wanted to score!

Mother's Hurting

Mother's Hurting 

My daughter just had an abortion, 
didn't think to take any precaution, 
my daughter just has an abortion, 
coz some bastard gave her a portion. 

My daughter just had an abortion, 
didn't think how I'd feel, 
my daughter just an abortion, 
the agony's so unreal.  

I'm a grandmother now, 
though my grandchild was never born, 
I'm a grandmother now, 
yet already I mourn. 

My daughter just had an abortion, 
her fetus' grave is a plastic bin, 
my daughter just had an abortion, 
some might say a product of sin. 

Saturday 16 January 2010

Where Is My Guardian Angel?

Where Is My Guardian Angel?

Where is my guardian angel?
Have you gone for a cup of tea?
Has that indulgence with a biscuit,
made you forget about me?

Was it something that I said?
Have I done something wrong?
Perhaps I've done so many things,
for you've been gone so very long.

I thought that you would be there,
I thought that was what your job involved.
To provide support and comfort,
until my problems were all solved.

I don't know what to think now,
I don't know where to turn,
I've looked around and listened,
and done my best to learn.

I don't expect you to do it for me,
but from time to time you could give me a clue.
You might point me in the right direction,
perhaps you didn't realise, I need you.

Where is my guardian angel?
Disappointed I'm not being all I should?
If only you would come back and help me,
I know together we could make me good.