Wednesday, 15 August 2012

This is the first chapter of my novel - Shades of Light

Shades of Light
By Len Bateman

There are things in this world. Things that are not known or seen by all. Things that are more terrible than a hurricane, more powerful than a tsunami. Things that are more painful than a lie and more frightening than the worst nightmare. These things are truths. But perhaps I have said too much- Maybe you are not prepared to share this knowledge yet. Shall I risk telling you more? Dare you risk learning of such things, such knowledge, such truths?

How beautiful is the sun on a summer’s day, when it shines down and casts it’s golden brilliance across the landscape. Scientists say that colours do not exist until they are registered by the eye. Colour is light, and sight does not exist until it enters the eye. Those same scientists teach that light is found on something called the electromagnetic spectrum. It ranges from AM radio to Gamma rays. Human beings see that light which falls between 10.6 and 10.7 on that spectrum. This is called Visible light. Just below it at 10.5 is Infrared light and just above it at 10.8 is Ultra Violet light. But as advanced as your scientists are, they are as yet, unaware that their electromagnetic spectrum is incomplete. Hidden within its’ range is something else.

Visible light waves are measured in nanometres. Your scientists measure those rays as they reflect and refract and are aware of the effects of constructive and destructive interference as well diffraction. So much they have learnt, so much more they have to learn still.

You see, there is, on that very electromagnetic spectrum, something that might surprise, shock, please or even terrify you. Perhaps it is a blessing that you do not know. And therefore, close this book immediately and put it out of your head, out of mind and remain ignorant. Perhaps one truth is, that ignorance really is bliss. At least for the stupid, the unadventurous, the unquestioning.

There are theories of other dimensions, other realms and parallel universes. All very interesting and all so nearly true, yet not. The truth has been in fact, known for centuries. Books have been written containing it. Television programmes and films have made it a part of their storyline. But so far, whilst it has been written about, talked about in urban myths and acted out in theatres since Shakespeare’s time and even before, the reality, the truth both wonderful and petrifying has escaped your actual knowledge.

I warn you now. Reading further may change your perception, your sense of security and of who and what you are. Please, I beg you to consider before continuing. Are you ready? Do you really want to know? Are you mentally and spiritually strong enough to share this truth?

I have already mentioned the electromagnetic spectrum. Within Visible light are colours. White light contains all the colours and possible combinations that make up the colours your human brains conceive through your eyes. There is however, another form of white light and where it is absent, within its’ range, blackness. Perhaps now, you are beginning to understand?

I am going to try to tell you, to explain that knowledge which your soul already knows but your conscious mind does not. I say try because I do so at great peril. They don’t want you to know. If I am discovered I risk everything! But where to begin? It would I realise be usual to begin at the beginning. But that is not possible. You could not possibly understand. I think, I shall explain by shades, shades of light.

One can never be certain when it happens. But there is warning. There’s a change in vibration, not a great change at first but enough to inform you your time is drawing near. The vibration slows and you slip through the shades, either duller and duller or lighter and lighter. A warm, pleasant love embracing experience or an agony of screaming, hollering pain and fear, panic and hope. Then, there is calm. A warm swimming cosy fantastic sense of comfort and love. It’s a truly beautiful dream like state. The sense of love grows over time forming a bond that is so consuming that it wipes out almost all conscious memory and knowledge. A beating sound is joined by another beating sound and sometimes by more! The world is sound, texture, warmth and love. Then movement. Ha ha ha oh What joy! What bliss! Actual movement! It’s so difficult at first, but such fun! Then, when the space is used, the pressure changes and the watery comfort drains away and pressure and pushing and suddenly everything is different.

The rest you know. That is, you know up to a certain point. I have briefly described the journey, the transition from our world, our realm, our plane, which is in fact, your world, your realm, your plane, to that which you now occupy. This process is known here as ‘returning’. However, you know it, as being born.

I will concentrate this first communication, (I say first but if they catch me it will be the last or maybe never even reach you), to the one subject most of you wonder about, even fear. I fully understand that you have a deep desire to know what it is like. How it feels. But I wish to tell you what happens next. We optimistically call it ‘coming back to the light’ because that is what we hope it is. A return to ‘light’ because if one does not come back to light then one goes to darkness. I have not the heart to tell you about that yet.

Light passes through the atmosphere and illuminates all that falls within its’ path. But only that light which you can perceive. The other does the same, but you, or at least not all of you, can see that light, but it’s there, omnipresent. Sometimes you feel it, sense it. It even penetrates your sleep and appears in your dreams. Vibrating, resonating all around and through you. It is a part of you and you a part of it. And yet you remain ignorant of its actual presence. Make excuses for it – coincidence.

A moment, an instant, is all it takes. It happens fast. The vibration slows and soon the light becomes duller and those around you have remained behind. They have wished you luck and told you they love you. It is sad and beautiful, exciting and a little frightening. One passes through the shades receiving good wishes and growing ever more excited and nervous. This is another chance. Another opportunity to improve, to learn, to be better and eventually to leave some love and knowledge for those that follow. It is marvellous, it is a challenge, it is an honour and a duty.

Certain things are not decided straight away. It seems strange really but there are other factors at play that need to be taken into account. That is why gender, physical gender is not established for some little time. Sex and sexuality are very important and must be decided not by the vibration passing through the experience but by the light itself. You are vibrations, we all are. Your skin colour means nothing. Your gender means nothing. Your sexuality means nothing. Your religion means nothing. Your nationality means even less, it is more than anything else, something to overcome. These things that I said mean nothing are in fact very important. You see they mean nothing to us but on your plane they still continue to have significance. How sad. How tragic. How basic. But as the vibration moves through the shades and into the spectrum of visible light it takes with it something precious. Something that it must learn to hold on to. Must learn to listen to. This precious thing, this most valuable treasure is a sense of conscious. For it is the key to the path the vibration must follow in this incarnation, in this lesson, in this experience, in order to grow and vibrate at a higher level and become a greater part of existence.

The bond forms and with it, as I mentioned before the knowledge of our plane is lessened in order to help the vibration to adjust and follow its’ path in human life. It is born. It’s first cries are heard and the lesson begins not just for that particular vibration for it forms part of the lesson of thousands or even millions of other vibrations teaching and learning from one another. And here is a very crucial part of this process. Influence. A powerful tool that can be used to teach right and wrong. Listen to your conscious, for only it can truly distinguish between the two. It will guide you, if you let it, to the right path. But that is the trick. Many fail to listen to it or choose to ignore it. If you knew the consequence of this, you would strive to listen very hard indeed.

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