Tuesday 12 February 2013

Walking Through Doors.

This is my novel, available through Amazon, for kindle or in paperback. It's called Walking Through Doors.  Those who regularly check back here may have read the first chapter here.  However, now you can read the entire novel!!!

Walking Through Doors, is the story of a group of friends who when they leave school realise the world isn't exactly as they thought it would be.  We follow them and in particular the heroine, on a journey that is often very funny and sometimes rather sad.  This book, deals with the years in which people change from being school children into mature responsible adults, and all the hassles, joys and laughs that brings.

I hope you enjoy it.  To get hands on a copy either the ebook for kindle or a paperback, just go to Amazon and search my name, 'Len Bateman', My titles will all appear.